Results for 'Vitor A. Nóbrega'

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  1.  48
    The precedence of syntax in the rapid emergence of human language in evolution as defined by the integration hypothesis.Vitor A. Nóbrega & Shigeru Miyagawa - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6:133069.
    Our core hypothesis is that the emergence of human language arose very rapidly from the linking of two pre-adapted systems found elsewhere in the animal world—an expression system, found, for example, in birdsong, and a lexical system, suggestively found in non-human primate calls (Miyagawa et al., 2013, 2014 ). We challenge the view that language has undergone a series of gradual changes—or a single preliminary protolinguistic stage—before achieving its full character. We argue that a full-fledged combinatorial operation Merge triggered the (...)
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    Cross-Modality Information Transfer: A Hypothesis about the Relationship among Prehistoric Cave Paintings, Symbolic Thinking, and the Emergence of Language.Shigeru Miyagawa, Cora Lesure & Vitor A. Nóbrega - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:299134.
    Early modern humans developed mental capabilities that were immeasurably greater than those of non-human primates. We see this in the rapid innovation in tool making, the development of complex language, and the creation of sophisticated art forms, none of which we find in our closest relatives. While we can readily observe the results of this high-order cognitive capacity, it is difficult to see how it could have developed. We take up the topic of cave art and archeoacoustics, particularly the discovery (...)
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    Verdade E Liberdade: Um tema de M. Heidegger em "Vom Wesen der Wahrheit".A. Nóbrega Rodrigues - 1968 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 24 (2):215 - 221.
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    Exploring the Impact of Tensions in Stakeholder Norms on Designing for Value Change: The Case of Biosafety in Industrial Biotechnology.Vitor A. P. Martins dos Santos, Linde F. C. Kampers, Zoë Robaey & Enrique Asin-Garcia - 2023 - Science and Engineering Ethics 29 (2):1-28.
    Synthetic biologists design and engineer organisms for a better and more sustainable future. While the manifold prospects are encouraging, concerns about the uncertain risks of genome editing affect public opinion as well as local regulations. As a consequence, biosafety and associated concepts, such as the Safe-by-design framework and genetic safeguard technologies, have gained notoriety and occupy a central position in the conversation about genetically modified organisms. Yet, as regulatory interest and academic research in genetic safeguard technologies advance, the implementation in (...)
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    (1 other version)The Function of Disclosing Medical Errors: New Cultural Challenges for Physicians.Vitor S. Mendonca, Thomas H. Gallagher & Reinaldo A. De Oliveira - 2019 - HEC Forum 31 (3):167-175.
    A general consensus has been reached in health care organizations that the disclosure of medical errors can be a very powerful way to improve patients and physicians well-being and serves as a core component to high quality health care. This practice strongly encourages transparent communication with patients after medical errors or unanticipated outcomes. However, many countries, such as Brazil, do not have a culture of disclosing harmful errors to patients or standards emphasizing the importance of disclosing, taking responsibility, apologizing, and (...)
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  6. Para ler Hegel.F. P. Nóbrega, H. Rademaker, R. Garaudy, J. Hyppolite, Hamílcar de Garcia & A. Léonard - 1976 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 32 (1):93-101.
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    Occupational Health Nursing models and theories: A critical analysis in the scope of the unitary‐transformative perspective.Rafael A. Bernardes, Sílvia Caldeira, Minna Stolt, Vítor Parola, Hugo Neves & Arménio Cruz - 2024 - Nursing Philosophy 25 (4):e12500.
    Occupational Health Nursing (OHN) has followed a complex path to build and strengthen its theoretical basis. Starting with Public Health core principles, theories were shaped by the dualism of person worker and working environment, where sometimes the centre of the thought was given to the latter and other times to the former. The problem was not much on such conflict but on the definition of the correct OHN focus and whether genuine nursing knowledge was being applied. We are worried that (...)
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    A Constructivist Account of Political Normativity.Vitor Sommavilla - forthcoming - Topoi.
    This paper is a defence of the view that, contrary to a recent trend in the literature, there is a distinctively political kind of normativity. Four steps are taken to establish that conclusion. First, I introduce a constructivist methodology for practical philosophy, one that is focused on the problem-solving nature of normative concepts. Second, I propose to understand the political as constituted by political problems, that is, by problems that concern members of a collective as members of that collective. Third, (...)
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  9. A personalidade de Cicero no'De Republica'.V. L. de Nóbrega - 1972 - Humanitas 11:292-307.
  10.  59
    A tríplice constituição da perspectiva ética de Paul Ricoeur.Larissa Nobrega - 2012 - Synesis 4 (2).
    Paul Ricoeur, em “O si-mesmo como outro” define sua perspectiva ética como “o desejo de viver bem com e para os outros em instituições justas”. Tal concepção possui uma tríplice estrutura, a saber: a ipseidade, a alteridade e a igualdade. Sendo apresentadas como a “estima de si”, a “solicitude” e a “justiça”, momentos determinantes para que se possa responder à pergunta sobre a identidade ética, norteadora de sua filosofia moral – “ quem é o sujeito capaz de imputação moral?”. Por (...)
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  11.  17
    The Influence of the Coaches’ Demographics on Young Swimmers’ Performance and Technical Determinants.Daniel A. Marinho, Tiago M. Barbosa, Vitor P. Lopes, Pedro Forte, Argyris G. Toubekis & Jorge E. Morais - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:560959.
    The purpose of this study was to understand the relationship between the coaches’ demographics (academic degree and/or coaching level and/or coaching experience) and young swimmers’ performance and technical ability. The sample was composed by 151 young swimmers (75 boys and 76 girls: 13.02 ± 1.19 years old, 49.97 ± 8.77 kg of body mass, 1.60 ± 0.08 m of height, 1.66 ± 0.09 m of arm span), from seven different clubs. Seven coaches (one per club) were responsible for the training (...)
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  12.  34
    Plant‐microbe symbioses: new insights into common roots.Pedro T. Lima, Vitor G. Faria, Pedro Patraquim, Alessandro C. Ramos, José A. Feijó & Élio Sucena - 2009 - Bioessays 31 (11):1233-1244.
    Arbuscular mycorrhiza (AM), a type of plant‐fungal endosymbiosis, and nodulation, a bacterial‐plant endosymbiosis, are the most ubiquitous symbioses on earth. Recent findings have established part of a shared genetic basis underlying these interactions. Here, we approach root endosymbioses through the lens of the homology and modularity concepts aiming at further clarifying the proximate and ultimate causes for the establishment of these biological systems. We review the genetics that underlie interspecific signaling and its concomitant shift in genetic programs for either partner. (...)
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  13.  22
    A História da Filosofia é ou não Filosófica?(Aubenque, Pierre).Elizabeth Maia da Nóbrega - 1998 - Princípios: Revista de Filosofia 5 (6):12.
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    A prática pastoral, hoje, evangeliza?Vitor Galdino Feller - 2007 - Horizonte 5 (10):159-171.
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    A teoria do conhecimento de Arthur Schopenhauer à luz do idealismo transcendental kantiano.Isabella Nobrega Gomes Stencel - 2020 - Cadernos PET-Filosofia (Parana) 18 (1).
    Neste artigo, pretende-se descrever os pontos de maior relevância à teoria do conhecimento de Arthur Schopenhauer, levando em consideração a farta influência do idealismo transcendental kantiano em sua produção filosófica. No que diz respeito à formulação do conhecimento empírico, bem como às faculdades e princípios envolvidos no processo, busca-se promover a comparação entre os elementos pertinentes aos sistemas elaborados pelos respectivos filósofos, a fim de tornar explícitos os momentos em que Schopenhauer alinha-se ao idealismo transcendental kantiano e, igualmente, os momentos (...)
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    A ressurreição da teologia natural na filosofia analítica do século XX.Vitor Grando - 2014 - Revista de Teologia 8 (14):18-30.
    This present research seeks to introduce to some of the recent developments in analytical philosophy of religion. Thus, the revival of philosophical theism in scholarly debates in the analytic philosophy ocurring since the 60' will be looked at. As a byproduct of this revival, natural theology makes a comeback with its traditional arguments for the existence of God. We discuss this in light of the controversy on same subject involving theologians Karl Barth and Emil Brunner.
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  17.  37
    Exploring Partial Overlaps Between Knowledge Systems in a Brazilian Fishing Community.Vitor Renck, David Ludwig, Paride Bollettin & Charbel N. El-Hani - 2022 - Human Ecology 50 (4):633-649.
    Based on a mixed-methods study involving triad tasks and ethnobiological models, we analyze local categories and knowledge of key ethnospecies of fish exploring partial overlaps between artisanal fishers’ and academic knowledge in a fishing community in northeast Brazil. We argue that fishers’ and academic knowledge overlaps may provide common ground for transdisciplinary collaboration, while their partiality requires reflection on epistemological and ontological differences. Here, we show how knowledge of artisanal fishers can complement academic knowledge and bring about tensions that need (...)
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  18.  17
    A jardinagem das memórias e o miosótis de um planeta desconhecido: memória e experiência do tempo na hermenêutica narrativista.Vítor Hugo dos Reis Costa - 2023 - Griot 23 (1):1-27.
    Trata-se de um estudo comparativo entre as ideias do filósofo Paul Ricoeur (1913 – 2005) e do romancista Milan Kundera (1929-) sobre as experiências do tempo e da memória. Parte-se de uma comparação inicial das ideias de ambos os pensadores acerca dos temas da ipseidade, da História e da experiência do tempo. Em um segundo momento, o pensamento de ambos os autores é colocado em confrontação crítica, em especial no que concerne aos seus respectivos entendimentos sobre a natureza da experiência (...)
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    Between Magic and Amusement: A Collingwoodian Perspective on Political Art.Vítor Guerreiro - 2024 - Human Affairs 34 (4):524-546.
    In this article I enquire into the notion of ‘political art’, by drawing on ideas from R. G. Collingwood’s often neglected Principles of Art. I show that his characterisation of ‘expression’ reveals what I call the ‘Narrow Aretaic Structure’ (NAS), distinguishable from a ‘Wide Aretaic Structure’ (WAS). Whatever satisfies NAS satisfies WAS, but not vice-versa. Though we have reasons to call ‘art’ anything satisfying WAS, Collingwoodian ‘art proper’ must also satisfy NAS. I then suggest that the distinction between WAS and (...)
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  20.  27
    EHRMAN, Bart D. O que Jesus Disse? O que Jesus Não Disse? Quem Mudou a Bíblia e Por Quê. São Paulo: Prestígio, 2006.Vitor Grando - 2015 - Revista de Teologia 9 (15):183-187.
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  21.  13
    Sobre as formas e figuras econômicas diante das formas jurídicas em Marx: um embate com Pachukanis.Vitor Bartoletti Sartori - 2024 - Verinotio – Revista on-line de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas 29 (1):01-63.
    A partir da correlação existente entre a forma-mercadoria e a forma jurídica do contrato, analisaremos o tratamento marxiano do Direito. Procuramos demonstrar que essa ligação mencionada está presente no autor, mas não basta para a crítica marxiana. São essenciais ao tratamento de Marx sobre a esfera jurídica a relação existente entre as formas econômicas da mercadoria, do dinheiro e do capital, bem como seus respectivos fetichismos. Também se tem que a análise, principalmente no livro III de O capital, das figuras (...)
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  22.  13
    A fenomenologia e o paradigma naturalista.Vítor Hugo dos Reis Costa - 2023 - Revista Ética E Filosofia Política 1 (26):270-296.
    Trata-se de um breve e parcial recenseamento do paradigma naturalista em desenvolvimentos clássicos e recentes da filosofia fenomenológica. Em um primeiro momento, tentar-se-á estabelecer elementos mínimos acerca do que pode ser considerado um “paradigma filosófico”. Em seguida, será mostrada uma presença improvável e discreta da física enquanto imaginário privilegiado na ontologia fenomenológica de Jean-Paul Sartre. Também será explorada a resistência de Paul Ricoeur ao reducionismo neurobiológico, bem como uma improvável presença de um enquadramento naturalista na base de sua antropologia filosófica. (...)
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    A Insustentável Leveza Do Ser-Para-Si: Uma Leitura Sartreana de Milan Kundera.Vítor Hugo dos Reis Costa - 2012 - Kínesis - Revista de Estudos Dos Pós-Graduandos Em Filosofia 4 (8):61-78.
    Este artigo pretende explorar brevemente algumas noções centrais do existencialismo presentes na prosa romanesca de Milan Kundera em A insustentável leveza do ser, à luz dos conceitos filosóficos e da especulação fenomenológica de Jean-Paul Sartre em O ser e o nada.
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    Theological Shamelessness? A Response to Arthur Peacocke and David A. Pailin.Vítor Westhelle - 2000 - Zygon 35 (1):165-172.
    This is a theological response to two programmatic essays, “Science and the Future of Theology: Critical Issues,” by Arthur Peacocke and “What Game is Being Played? The Need for Clarity about theRelationship between Scientific and Theological Understanding,” by David A. Pailin. It argues that the two authors, well informed by the recent developments in science, are reduplicating some methodological and epistemological trends common to nineteenth‐century theology. The feasibility of their project should, therefore, be examined on whether they succeed in answering (...)
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  25. Toward an Ethics of Knowledge.Vítor Westhelle - 2004 - Zygon 39 (2):383-388.
    . Modern science is one form of knowledge, demarcated by its time (modernity) and by other “knowledges.” There is a fair amount of clarity as to what does not count as scientific, but there is a twilight zone of knowledges whose scientific status is ambivalent. In this zone the encounter between science and religion takes place. The particular contribution of religion and theology in this encounter is to call for an ethics of knowledge in the epistemological endeavors of science.
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  26.  8
    O Fenômeno da Captura e a Independência Das Agências Reguladoras No Brasil.Vitor Gabriel Garnica & Marlene Kempfer - 2020 - Revista Brasileira de Filosofia do Direito 5 (2):43.
    A pesquisa desenvolve o tema das agências reguladoras que são órgãos públicos submetidos a um regime jurídico especial. Este indica a independência de sua composição e de atuação como condição de legalidade e de legitimidade. Aponta-se o fenômeno da captura, que poderá ocorrer naqueles dois momentos, como sendo uma forma de corrupção a desestabilizar o modelo das agências implementado no Brasil a partir de 1997. O percurso dos estudos considera método qualitativo a partir da doutrina e da legislação em vigor.
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    A organização militar (stratiotiké sýntaxis) e a estrutura econômica e política do império Persa na Ciropédia de Xenofonte.Vitor de Simoni Milione - 2024 - Araucaria 26 (56).
    Este artigo tem como objetivo analisar um aspecto da filosofia política de Xenofonte comumente negligenciado pelos interprétes: a organização militar, isto é, a hierarquia e a cadeia de comando, como o elemento que oferece a estrutura econômica e política do império Persa descrito na _Ciropédia_. A transposição desse modelo militar hierárquico confere à estrutura do Estado persa um caráter racional que visa, do ponto de vista econômico, a eficiência na produção de recursos e o equilíbrio fiscal; e, do ponto de (...)
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    Do indivíduo agente à unidade do múltiplo: A substância em Leibniz.Vítor Beghini - 2018 - Cadernos Espinosanos 39:373-390.
    Este artigo busca mapear as diferenças e transformações que marcam a trajetória da noção leibniziana de substância ao longo dos quase trinta anos que separam suas primeiras e últimas sínteses de ar sistemático; percurso que vai do _Discurso de Metafísica_ à _Monadologia_ e aos _Princípios da Natureza e da Graça _. Poderemos, deste modo, fornecer um quadro de mecanismos conceituais e doutrinários que nos permita melhor compreender o estatuto coesivo de sua obra filosófica, donde encontraremos uma noção ampla mas singular (...)
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    On the origins of Freud's conception of the natural sciences.Vitor Orquiza de Carvalho & Luiz Roberto Monzani - 2015 - Scientiae Studia 13 (4):781-809.
    RESUMO O artigo examina algumas influências teóricas de Freud para recuperar os valores epistemológicos que subjazem à composição de sua concepção de ciência da natureza. Se, por um lado, Freud teve acesso ao pensamento de autores específicos que participaram efetivamente dos caminhos percorridos pela psicologia em sua reivindicação de uma identidade científica, por meio de entrelaçamentos com a física e a fisiologia, por outro lado, ele também teve contato com certos filósofos que lhe permitiram uma aproximação a alguns defensores da (...)
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    O Romance e a Identidade Narrativa: Kundera No Laboratório de Ricoeur.Vítor Hugo dos Reis Costa - 2020 - Thaumàzein - Rivista di Filosofia 13 (26):49-66.
    Trata-se de traçar uma aproximação comparativa entre dois autores oriundos de campos distintos do saber e da cultura e visualizar a mútua contribuição decorrente dessa aproximação, a saber, entre a filosofia de Paul Ricoeur (1913-2005) e o romance de Milan Kundera (1929-). Na medida em que tanto a filosofia de Ricoeur quanto a prosa ficcional de Kundera refletem sobre a constituição da subjetividade na modernidade, a presente contribuição visa estabelecer paralelos entre suas concepções de subjetividade e suas reflexões sobre os (...)
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    Presentismo e a Experiência Viva Do Tempo: Uma Aproximação Existencial e Narrativista.Vítor Hugo dos Reis Costa - 2022 - Síntese Revista de Filosofia 49 (154):317.
    Trata-se de uma tentativa de atualização das premissas da teoria da identidade narrativa de Paul Ricoeur diante do desafio lançado pelo presentismo tal como concebido por François Hartog. Nessa direção, em um primeiro momento serão apresentados elementos que enfatizam a presença da influência da teoria agostiniana do tríplice presente na noção ricoeuriana de experiência viva bem como na teoria da história de Reinhart Koselleck e no existencialismo sartreano. Em um segundo momento, será avaliada a possibilidade de equacionar a experiência viva (...)
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    Família, Latifúndio e Poder: as bases do coronelismo no Norte de Minas Gerais durante a Primeira República.Vítor Fonseca Figueiredo & Camila Gonçalves Silva - 2012 - Dialogos 16 (3).
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    Field, coherence and connectedness: Models, methodologies and actions for flowing moistmedia art.Carlos Augusto Moreira da Nóbrega Nóbrega) & Maria Luiza P. Guimarães Fragoso Fragoso) - 2015 - Technoetic Arts 13 (1-2):153-168.
    This article introduces practical and theoretical investigations in fields of art and technology related to biotelematics, hybridization and transcultural experimentation based on research carried out over the last four years at the Nucleus of Art and New Organisms (NANO). We will approach this subject by considering three main points of view: field theory (Ascott 1980; Nóbrega 2009); the concept of coherence (Ho 1993; Ho & Popp 1989; Simondon 1980); and the state of connectedness (Ascott 2006). These will act as (...)
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  34.  47
    De Hegel a Marx: da inflexão ontológica à antítese direta.Vitor Bartoletti Sartori - 2014 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 55 (130):691-713.
    Abordaremos a crítica marxiana à noção hegeliana de "ser" , mostrando que a historicidade e a objetividade, em verdade, são determinações desta . Deste modo, intentamos mostrar que analogias entre a lógica hegeliana e a teoria marxiana podem eclipsar aspectos centrais à abordagem materialista proposta pelo autor de "O capital". Apontando a inversão hegeliana entre sujeito e predicado, Marx trata da apreensão do real que, muito embora seja traçada em diálogo com a dialética hegeliana, é também sua antítese direta . (...)
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    Disagreement in Aesthetics and Ethics: Against the Received Image.Vítor Guerreiro & Susana Cadilha - 2024 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 82 (2):215-230.
    The way we think about disagreement is shaped by the systematic emphasizing of its adversarial, non-cooperative aspects. This is due to a perspective on arguing and disagreeing. Perspectives enable some thoughts and occlude others. We claim that the way some issues are thought of in aesthetics is conditioned by a similar phenomenon we call ‘the Received Image’ (RI), which parallels the influence on ethics of what Bernard Williams called ‘systems of morality’. Peter Kivy argued that disagreements in aesthetics, if genuine, (...)
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    Sobre Pachukanis, pachukanianos e o esgotamento de um ponto de partida.Vitor Bartoletti Sartori - forthcoming - Verinotio – Revista on-line de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas.
    Neste artigo, pretendemos demostrar que a crítica marxista ao direito precisa ir além de Pachukanis e do horizonte consolidado pelos pachukanianos no Brasil. Primeiramente, isso ocorre porque os propósitos do autor de Teoria geral do direito e o marxismo eram muito mais ambiciosos que os realizados em seu livro. Em segundo lugar, não é possível ter a obra de 1924 como referência à moda dos pachukanianos, já que mesmo os expoentes mais competentes da crítica marxista que têm por base o (...)
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    Is There an Aesthetics of Political Song?Vítor Guerreiro - 2021 - Disputatio 13 (62):299-328.
    Some think politics and art should not mix. The problem with this view is that politics and art were always entwined. Human experience is structured politically, even if much of it is not. Here, I illustrate this with a series of artistic examples that take us from work songs in a Mississippi 1940s forced labour camp to a desolate dead forest landscape in a former Krasnoyarsk gulag, evocative of a Paul Nash World War I painting. Powerful artworks help us to (...)
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    Setting Limits to Practical Reflection.Vitor Sommavilla - 2020 - In James M. Ambury, Tushar Irani & Kathleen Wallace (eds.), Philosophy as a way of life: historical, contemporary, and pedagogical perspectives. Malden, MA: Wiley. pp. 213–228.
    According to a tradition going back to Socrates, one should thoroughly examine the grounds of one’s judgments before settling on what one has reason to do or believe. According to contemporary metaethical constructivism, assumed in this essay, reflective scrutiny is also central to assessing a judgment’s claim to justification. This essay argues against the injunctions to thoroughly examine oneself and seek ultimate reasons for one’s normative judgments. In other words, the essay argues against the ideal of the philosophical way of (...)
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    Are science and humanism suited to enter the ancient Quest of Christian theology? A response to Lluís Oviedo.Vítor Westhelle - 2006 - Zygon 41 (4):843-852.
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    The Influence of Psychoanalysis on Merleau-Ponty’s Philosophy and the Pulsional Body in the Gaming Experience.Terezinha Petrúcia da Nóbrega & Judson Cavalcante Bezerra - 2023 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 18 (1):96-104.
    In this essay, we address the influence of psychoanalysis on Merleau-Ponty's philosophy of the esthesiological body. Our analyses are about the relation of senses and meanings established among the notions of game, sport and ludic, dialoguing with esthesiology and with the pulsional body, based on Freud's psychoanalytic referential, also approached by Merleau-Ponty. Our interlocutor considers that the expression of play in language seeks to situate the body, perception, and desire as primordial sources in the process of signification, presenting a different (...)
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    O Romance Como Expediente Hermenêutico: Sobre a Historicidade e a Singularidade Do Existente Humano.Vítor Hugo dos Reis Costa - 2020 - Revista Guairacá de Filosofia 36 (1).
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    Repensar o papel da confissão na clínica.Vitor Portavales Silva - 2023 - Aoristo - International Journal of Phenomenology, Hermeneutics and Metaphysics 6 (1):90-104.
    Em 2012, Alexandre Marques Cabral levantou uma crítica à Psicologia clínica e à psicoterapia. Retomando a discussão de Foucault sobre a confissão, Cabral desdobrou a narrativa de que a Psicologia clínica seria uma herdeira direta do dispositivo confessional católico-cristão, configurando-se, portanto, como uma prática de controle e docilização dos corpos e existências. Em 2014, Ana Maria Lopez Calvo de Feijoo respondeu à crítica de Cabral, argumentando que a Psicologia fenomenológico-existencial é capaz de superar as críticas levantadas por Foucault, pois não (...)
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    Justice Beyond the State: Social Practices and Relational Equality.Vitor Sommavilla - 2021 - Princípios: Revista de Filosofia (Ufrn) 28 (57):53-65.
    In this paper, I argue that principles of justice, contrary to what John Rawls and Thomas Nagel believe, do apply transnationally. I start with a debate about the proper scope of justice and defend the view according to which social practices, apart from the structure of the state, ought to be included in the purview of justice. However, I hold that there is no need to include individual behaviour, alongside social practices, opposing G. A. Cohen’s view on this matter and (...)
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  44.  12
    Educação formal, não-formal e Hip Hop contextos e desafios educacionais no Brasil e Cabo Verde.Vitor Mafra - 2019 - Filosofia E Educação 11 (1):139-155.
    O modelo escolar moderno que foi universalizado durante o século XX, mostrou-se incapacitado de responder todas as demandas sociais que lhe foram impostas. Dessa forma, durante a segunda metade deste século a crise do sistema de ensino formal deu abertura a diversos debates sobre questões que permeiam a ação de educar, como os espaços, os atores e porque não sobre próprio conceito: o que é educar? Sendo assim, neste artigo trago reflexões sobre a educação formal, dentre outras formas, analisando o (...)
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    Thinking Clearly About Music.Vitor Guerreiro - 2012 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 31 (3):25-48.
    In this article I argue against the arbitrariness of the concept of music and for an essentialist and naturalist framework, according to which music is a cross-cultural human phenomenon, defined by relational properties held together by uniform features of human nature. Building on Dickie’s classification of theories of art in natural kind theories and cultural-kind theories, I argue for an enhanced natural-kind theory (which explains the institutional element), and use some developments in social ontology to show the inadequacy of an (...)
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    (1 other version)Setting limits to practical reflection: Against Philosophy as a Way of Life.Vitor Sommavilla - 2020 - Metaphilosophy 51 (2-3):375-390.
    According to a tradition going back to Socrates, one should thoroughly examine the grounds of one’s judgments before settling on what one has reason to do or believe. According to contemporary metaethical constructivism, assumed in this essay, reflective scrutiny is also central to assessing a judgment’s claim to justification. This essay argues against the injunctions to thoroughly examine oneself and seek ultimate reasons for one’s normative judgments. In other words, the essay argues against the ideal of the philosophical way of (...)
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    Finite Hilbert Systems for Weak Kleene Logics.Vitor Greati, Sérgio Marcelino & Umberto Rivieccio - 2024 - Studia Logica 112 (6):1215-1241.
    Multiple-conclusion Hilbert-style systems allow us to finitely axiomatize every logic defined by a finite matrix. Having obtained such axiomatizations for Paraconsistent Weak Kleene and Bochvar–Kleene logics, we modify them by replacing the multiple-conclusion rules with carefully selected single-conclusion ones. In this way we manage to introduce the first finite Hilbert-style single-conclusion axiomatizations for these logics.
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    Taking Internal Advantage of External Events - Two Astronomical Examples From Nineteenth Century Portugal.Vitor Bonifácio, Isabel Malaquias & João Fernandes - 2009 - Centaurus 51 (3):213-234.
    A country‘s development is bound to be influenced by external occurrences. This article analyses two astronomical examples in which Portuguese nationals used high visibility events in the international scientific community to press their own scientific interests upon the government, whether these interests were, or were not, directly linked to the events themselves.During the 1840s and 1850s the parallax, i.e. the distance, of Groombridge’s star 1830 was hotly debated. The astronomer Hervé Faye‘s suggestion at the Académie des Sciences de Paris that (...)
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    Poder de convencimento e narração imagética na pintura portuguesa da contra-reforma.Vítor Serrão - 2005 - Cultura:65-76.
    A linguagem de comunicabilidade da imagética barroca expressa-se com inesperado ênfase no caso de uma desconhecida tela que representa Jesus Cristo perante Caifás e a negação de S. Pedro, num altar do Convento dos frades eremitas paulistas da vila de Portel. Pintada cerca de 1660, essa tela, que se inspira numa estampa nórdica de Schelte a Bolswert segundo modelo caravagesco de Gerard Seghers, leva a colocar a questão do papel assumido pela gravura italo­flamenga (a estampa solta e a estampa de (...)
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    Are Musical Works Sound Structures?Vitor Guerreiro - 2019 - Filozofija I Društvo 30 (1):36-53.
    This paper is about the dilemma raised against musical ontology by Roger Scruton, in his The Aesthetics of Music: either musical ontology is about certain mind-independent “things” and so music is left out of the picture, or it is about an “intentional object” and so its puzzles are susceptible of an arbitrary answer. I argue the dilemma is merely apparent and deny that musical works can be identified with sound structures, whether or not conceived as abstract entities. The general idea (...)
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